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Pyrolysis Factory

The waste recovery, inside this primarily the waste rubber and the plastics I wish to inform it about the opportunity of energy or industrial recycling one happening as stock.

Gyárlátogatás II. 2009. jún. 06. 116A firm with a capacity of 150-250 thousand tons would be economical already. An opportunity would overlook the recycling of the environmentally sound and efficient rubber waste and plastic.The factory’s ability practically module-like one expandable, like this to the growing claims would be shapable.

The technology does not demand human work direct, on the other hand the qualified waiter, repairmen most and the preparation, a gathering system create a workplace with a considerable staff number.

Some data the one by which I wish to demonstrate the opportunities is founded bought year waste rubber quantity (onto 150 thousand tons projected)

  • 75-85 thousand tons of oil, which one in a direct utilizable thermal power station, refined as fuel, you are it as other lubricant into industry stb.
  • 35-45 thousand tons of soot, carbon, cca. 98% cleanness which one likewise may use onto heating, other areas tyre production, paint industry, briquette production, road construction stb.
  • 10-30 thousand tons of steel, which it is possible to utilize in the industry,,
  • 10-15 thousand tons of gas, which is necessary to the firm’s function cleaning on the one hand, hot and tram energise insures it (cca. it 50 %) in industrial measured one of which use can be made on that of the rest of the levels
  • 1-2,5 thousand tons of slag

2009. május 10. Dunaszerdahely kísérleti üzem 033The differences of the above data the rubber -plastic getting to the processing depends on his quality. Considering the economic, industrial relations the waste mass will be growing only. We believe it so, this solution onto the tyre, and onto the important energy questions, at least partly, the „historical rubbers” there would be an opportunity to take out, and would not be needed into playgrounds to disguise the waste.

His size changes only, the quality not!

The technology used by us modifies the rubber in his substance because of this not environment polluter and not hazardous waste, but stock.

Most advanced technology, there is not a firm like this in Europe, which works, currently it only similar, but cannot insure these parameters.

The factory is not dangerous for environment, which a few water vapours emit practically,. Self mantaining, that is an exterior power source is needed for the launch only. Our present firm works with 20-25 capital staff numbers, but the extensions occur inside a year, and in a full beat with cca. 100-120 heads reckon. They are not in this in him the employees of gathering settlements being fastidious.

The 150 thousand tons of firm with yearly capacity is necessary to the economical operating, the extension until 250 thousand tons profitable, this may solve the waste processing of a residential area with a multimillion number of inhabitants already.

The processing the one with a low temperature pirolízis is based on his principle.

We work in a continuous, daylong firm.

The economic effects of DRON Tecnologia:

  • Electric power generation.
  • Separate from D/82 industrial and mechanical strength, and fuel production for vehicles and others.
  • Production of steel metallurgical and fuel oil of power plant.
  • Energy supply for capital of Guinea and regional centers.
  • Stable jobs.
  • Power plant technician training.
  • National and regional GDP growth.
  • Modernisation of agricultural and fisheries management.
  • Achieving environmental standards. …